Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs are parasites that can infest houses particularly in beds and mattresses. They feed on human blood with their bite being highly irritating to humans.

They often hide in luggage, clothing, bedding and furniture which makes accommodation facilities more prone to infestation. They are very small so difficult to see, so blood stains from crushed bugs or even human blood on sheets or mattresses may be the best evidence of their presence. They can also give off a sweet misty odour.

Bonney Pest Control is experienced in the treatment of a Bed Bug Infestation. The eradication process is thorough and multi faceted and may involve more than one visit.

If you believe you may have bed bugs in your home or business, give the experienced team at Bonney Pest Control a call. Clients can be assured of  prompt, courteous and confidential pest control services at all times.

Llama Blue

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